GREENSBURG, Pa, April 18, 2022 – Saint John’s Gospel, which will be proclaimed on Easter Sunday, takes us along with Mary Magdala to the tomb of the crucified Christ on the first day of the week. Saint John makes it a point to describe her journey as occurring while it was still dark outside. The days before this early morning visit had been horrific. Mary and the disciples watched as Christ was scourged, nailed to a cross, and buried in that tomb.
Imagine the deep sadness, fear and anxiety that the disciples, Mary Magdala and Mary, the mother of Jesus, must have felt after witnessing those events. I am sure it is a feeling that we can all relate to, especially after these past two years. Many families have gone through a painful loss of a loved one. A trip to the grocery store or gas pump is costing more, impacting the financial well-being of many, especially our seniors. Our anxieties increase when we watch or read the news and see the senseless destruction and death in Ukraine and hear the talk of global escalation. It is sometimes hard to make sense of it all, and we can feel like we are stuck in the dark, much like the dark of the tomb.
When Mary Magdala couldn’t find Jesus’ body at the tomb, she ran to Simon Peter and the other disciple Jesus loved and told them, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” Of course, they hurried to the tomb and, when they arrived, they only found Jesus’ burial cloths. They did not understand nor were able to make sense of what we now know to be true. Christ overcame the darkness. His resurrection removed sin and evil.
Disease, sickness, wars, and suffering will never have the final word. When we rejoice in the Resurrection, we step out of the darkness knowing that Jesus is always with us, illuminating our lives with the light of His love, mercy and eternal life. The risen Christ provides hope for the world. Christ is our future. He is our joy.
As we renew our promises of baptism at Easter, let us continue to hope. Let us continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia. Let us trust in God’s promise to sustain us and free us from all anxieties. And may we open our hearts to our risen Lord and allow Him to renew our faith and fill us with His love, mercy and peace. Let us rejoice and be glad!
I wish you and your families a Blessed Easter. Please know that you and your loved ones remain in my prayers this Easter season, and always.
Sincerely yours in the Crucified and Risen Christ,
The Most Reverend Larry J. Kulick, JCL
Bishop of Greensburg
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