Bishop Kulick to Celebrate Mass at the 99th Annual Slovak Day at Kennywood Park

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- Bishop Kulick
GREENSBURG – July 1, 2022 – Bishop Larry J. Kulick will be joined by clergy from the Diocese of Greensburg and the Diocese of Pittsburgh as he celebrates Mass during the 99th Annual Slovak Day at Kennywood Park on Thursday, July 21.
Games and treats for the children will begin at 12:30 p.m. Enjoy traditional favorites from the Slovak kitchen with music in the food pavilion provided by George Batvi and friends from 1 until 3:30 p.m.
Bishop Kulick will celebrate Mass at 4:00 p.m.
The day will conclude with a performance by the Pittsburgh Slovakians.
Ticket prices for those under the age of 60 are $30. For those 60 and over, the price is $27. The deadline to order tickets is July 14. You may make your checks payable to: W. PA. SLOVAK DAY and mail to 234 Ilion Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15207. Everyone must have a ticket to enter Kennywood Park.
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