(GREENSBURG, Pa., – February 23, 2022) Bishop Larry J. Kulick will make pastoral visits to six parish communities during Lent to conduct ‘Lenten Evenings of Reflection’. Each week, Bishop Kulick will present a different topic, focusing on the major themes proclaimed in the Lenten weekend gospels. The topics are Temptation, Transfiguration, Persistence, Forgiveness, Sin and Suffering. As the chief teacher in the Diocese, Bishop Kulick hopes this series will provide those participating with a scriptural understanding of these gospels. “This is an opportunity to pray together and to grow in our spiritual lives,” Bishop Kulick said. “We are all called through our baptism to grow in holiness and to make this a holy and productive Lent and this is a great opportunity to answer that call,” he added. Each evening will begin with prayer followed by the Bishop’s reflection.
Bishop Kulick’s Lenten Reflection Series Schedule
Wednesday, March 9
Holy Cross Parish, Youngwood – 6PM
Topic: Temptation
Wednesday, March 16
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, North Huntingdon – 6PM
Topic: Transfiguration
Tuesday, March 22
St. Mary Parish, Export – 6PM
Topic: Persistence
Wednesday, March 30
Holy Trinity Parish, Ligonier – 6PM
Topic: Forgiveness
Tuesday, April 5
Holy Family Parish, Seward – 6 PM
Topic: Sin
Monday, April 11
St. James the Greater Parish, Apollo – 6PM
Topic: Suffering
Since his episcopal ordination, Bishop Kulick has made it a priority to make pastoral visits to all parishes in the Diocese of Greensburg. ‘Lenten Evenings of Reflection’ allows Bishop Kulick to engage with parishioners in some of the parishes that he has not yet visited. Since each reflection topic changes weekly, Bishop Kulick encourages the faithful to participate in as many as possible. Each of the Bishop’s Lenten reflections are being recorded and will be posted on the Diocese of Greensburg Facebook page.
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