GREENSBURG – After more than seven years of study, Deacon Andrew J. Hamilton has been called by Bishop Larry J. Kulick to be ordained to the priesthood. His Ordination Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Kulick June 3 at 10 a.m. at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Greensburg.
Hamilton graduated as salutatorian of his Ford City High School Class in 2015. He went on to study history at Saint Vincent College, Latrobe. It was through an invitation by other faith-filled young people at the college that Hamilton returned to the sacraments. His new zeal in faith caused him to consider the seminary and the priesthood.
After touring a minor seminary, Hamilton realized he could study to be a priest: “A question consistently popped into my head: ‘If not me, then who?’”
In 2016, Hamilton was accepted into the priestly formation program in the Diocese of Greensburg. In the spring of 2019, he graduated from Gannon University and completed college and minor seminary at St. Mark Seminary in Erie. He also graduated from Saint Vincent Seminary, Latrobe.
“Whenever you start seminary, it seems like an insurmountable mountain to climb,” Hamilton said. “Part of my life has been looking back on the blessings that have been bestowed upon me throughout my journey.”
Leading up to his ordination, Hamilton said he is drawing all of the people who were part of his journey and prayed for him into his own prayers.
After his ordination, Hamilton, the son of William and Donna Hamilton of Ford City, plans to celebrate his first Mass at his home parish, Christ, Prince of Peace Parish, Ford City.
His Ordination Mass will be livestreamed at DioceseofGreensburg.org and on the Diocesan Facebook page.
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