GREENSBURG – NOVEMBER 23 – Eucharistic Revival is a three-year process initiated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to invite the faithful to reflect upon the mystery and meaning of the sacrament of the Eucharist in our lives. The goal of the three year initiative is to create a more Eucharistic Community devoted to loving and serving one another and forming Disciples of Christ.
To learn more about the Eucharistic Revival in the Diocese of Greensburg, visit the website here.
During the current first year of the three year process, Diocesan staff and clergy are asked to respond to the Lord’s personal invitation and to share His love with the faithful through Eucharistic Congresses and events.
In May 2023, the Diocese of Greensburg will hold a Eucharistic Congress for Diocesan and parish staff to prepare them to create new and innovative ministries focused on reconnecting to the disenfranchised and to develop experiential evangelization opportunities that interest and engage our young people.
The Diocese is also working on a plan for four yearly “Know Him” Gatherings. These experiential evangelization events will help us all grow closer to Christ by learning about his life and the lessons it taught the world. These engaging events will include speakers, multimedia content, witness testimony and interactive activities. The “Know Him” series will be held at Christ Our Shepherd Center. The events are specifically designed for Diocesan and parish staff members but will be open to public registration as well.
The second year of the process begins June 11, 2023. It will foster Eucharistic devotion at the parish level, strengthening our liturgical life through faithful celebration of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, missions, resources, preaching and organic movements of the Holy Spirit.
In preparation for year two, the Diocese will continue to explore experiential evangelization opportunities for parishes.
All of the preparation leads to year three, when the Diocese will get ready for the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Ind July 17-21, 2024. At this historic event, more than 80,000 Catholics of all ages will gather to reconsecrate their hearts to the source and summit of our faith. The end of the Eucharistic Congress begins a “Year of Going Out on Mission.” as the Holy Spirit will send us out to share the gift of our Eucharistic Lord.
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