Saint Rita Parish Italian Day Sale

St. Rita Christian Mothers will hold an Italian Day Sale on FRI, SEP 6 from 11:00am-5:30pm in St. Rita’s social Hall, Connellsville.  Featured will be 3 Italian dinner choices, that each include salad, roll and dessert:  Spaghetti with 2 meatballs, Manicotti with 2 meatballs, and Eggplant Parm with 1 meatball and side of spaghetti.  A box of 4 pizza slices will also be sold.  Bake sale items will be available. Eat-in or take-out. 

Event Address: St Rita's Roman Catholic Church, South 2nd Street, Connellsville, PA, USA

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Cliff Gorski
Cliff Gorski
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