Filipino Traditions
Samantha Hilyer
Carmela Carla, a native of the Philippines, and James McMeekin incorporated Filipino traditions into their wedding at Mount St. Peter Parish, New Kensington, Sept. 20.
Father Rodel D. Molina, parochial vicar and one of the diocese’s priests from the Philippines, was the celebrant.
The wedding included the traditional presentation of the veil, nuptial cord and arras (coins).
A white veil was draped around the shoulders of the couple by a pair of sponsors to symbolize purity, God’s protection and presence in the marriage, and the couple being clothed in unity.
The knotted nuptial cord was placed over the heads of the couple by another set of sponsors. The cord rested on the shoulders of the couple, symbolizing their bond and their becoming one in married life.
The arras, coins brought to the altar by a third set of sponsors, represented the promise of the couple to care for each other through contributions to their relationship, children and community.


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