By Maria Guzzo
Contributing Writer
GREENSBURG – In a darkened St. Joseph Chapel at Christ Our Shepherd Center, with hymns and praise music intensifying the atmosphere, Christ was alive for dozens of participants of the Kerygma Discipleship Retreat Oct. 11-13.
“I have a love of Eucharistic adoration already. When I saw the monstranceI got goosebumps,” said Adelle Slebodnik, a parishioner of St. John the Baptist Parish in Perryopolis. Slebodnik serves as the parish business manager and coordinates adult and youth formation programs. Despite her already strong faith practice, she said Kerygma was transforming.
“Sometimes you already think you know and have a connection with Jesus, but then you come to something like this and realize how much more there is to church than just going. It’s a relationship,” she said.
The word Kerygma comes from the Greek word for proclamation. The goal of the retreat is to allow people to form a personal relationship with Christ, leading to meaningful discipleship and drawing others into community in their parishes.
The retreat is designed for those 18 or older who want to learn more about Jesus or form a relationship with Him. Those who have been away from the Church or those who have not heard the Gospel before are able to learn more about Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Church. The retreat is also for those who attend Mass but are looking to deepen their relationship with Jesus and discover more about why we do what we do as Catholics. Those who are active in parish life can renew their relationship with Jesus and then share the message of the retreat with others in their parish communities.
Julia Kopasko, a parishioner of St. Barbara Parish, Harrison City, said she felt many emotions during the retreat.
“I’m excited, scared and a little hesitant to see where He moves me,” Kopasko said.
Kopasko spent years as a volunteer in her parish. Just before attending the retreat, she had taken an administrative position in the very active parish.
The retreat is packed with activities, including Eucharistic adoration, inspiring reflections from program leaders’ faith journeys, small group discussions, opportunity for confession, praise and worship music, and Mass. Each reflection throughout the day is rooted in the Sacraments of Initiation — baptism, confirmation and Eucharist.
At this retreat, Father Daniel E. Carr, pastor of St. Regis Parish, Trafford, spoke about the nature of sin in the world and in one’s personal life. His talk deeply moved Barbara Piasecky, a Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish, Greensburg, parishioner.
“It’s stuff I’d known for years about giving and receiving forgiveness, but it really dropped down into my heart at Kerygma,” she said. “There’s head knowledge, but then it was alive in my heart.”
Vincent Reilly, Managing Director of the Office of Faith, Family and Discipleship, said the retreat offers time for reflection and spiritual growth apart from the distractions of the world, as well as the formation of a community of evangelized people..
Reilly hopes the joy of Kerygma will be taken back to each parish in the Diocese of Greensburg.
“The Bishop’s vision is to revitalize and strengthen all the parishes,” Reilly said. “We’re inviting them to live (Kerygma) out in their own parishes.”
Like others, Glenda Winge, a parishioner of Mother of Sorrows Parish, Murrysville, had nothing but praise for the retreat. For two decades, Winge has led youth faith formation programs not only at her parish but also at Ascension Parish in Jeannette. Wenge has attended many retreats but this was her first time attending Kerygma.
“This time it’s different,” Winge said. “I go to Him every Sunday. Here He came to me. I definitely would invite more people to embark on this journey. I want to see this in every church.”
The Diocese will offer the Kerygma Discipleship Retreat again May 16-18 at Christ Our Shepherd Center. Participants can either commute or stay overnight. For more information, email [email protected].
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