Powerful Speakers Heal and Inspire at National Eucharistic Congress

By Mary Seaman
Multimedia Coordinator 
The Catholic Accent

For the 60,000 Catholics attending the National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21 in Indianapolis, Ind., the message was clear: They were to leave Lucas Oil Stadium as missionary disciples, sent out to share the Good News of the Gospel with others.

Before they were sent out on mission, they heard from a variety of inspiring speakers whose goal was to make Jesus known everywhere, including the Diocese of Greensburg.

One of the most powerful experiences of the Congress featured Benedictine Father Boniface Hicks of Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, who led all in attendance in a Litany of Healing and Repentance during Eucharistic Adoration. This included prayers for healing of physical and psychological wounds and freedom from sin, with the hope of helping those present to encounter Jesus more personally. Father Boniface then carried a large monstrance in a procession around the entire stadium floor.

Father Boniface said the Eucharistic Congress was beyond what he hoped for or imagined.

“There was a unity across the diversity of spiritualities, generations and people across the country that has been so beautiful,” he said. “The Blessed Sacrament was brought to the floor of the stadium, and 60,000 people fell on their knees before Jesus Christ and settled into silence and adoration. The Lord’s presence was really tangible.”

At Saint Vincent, Father Boniface serves as director of spiritual formation and director of the seminary’s Institute for Ministry Formation. He also is program director for the WAOB (We Are One Body) radio station in Latrobe and an author of many books, and is well known for speaking on spiritual formation and spiritual life.

Dr. Mary Healy, a professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, a best-selling author and international speaker, delivered a powerful testimony to those in attendance, noting that throughout the Bible, God was revealed as a healer.

“Everywhere that Jesus went, He healed, and now, more than 2,000 years later, He is still healing today,” she said. “And He wants us to know it, and He wants us to experience it. He wants to heal physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. He loves
to use ordinary people as His instruments
of healing.” 

Dr. Mary Healy will be a keynote speaker at the Spirited Women’s Conference Nov. 9 at Christ Our Shepherd Center, Greensburg.

Carolyn Cannizzaro, chairwoman of the conference, is excited that women in the Diocese of Greensburg will have an opportunity to hear from Healy.

 “She is one of the most influential women in our Catholic Church today, a theologian and author, and just full of the Holy Spirit and love of Jesus Christ,” Cannizzarro said.

Healy prays that the Diocesan conference will be a transformative event.

“I pray that He would prepare the hearts of the women and draw many to come. That there will be healings, conversions, that there will be returns to You, and there will be women falling deeply in love with You,” she said. “It is a very valuable thing that we gather together and experience the love and support of our sisters. Our faith is multiplied. I guarantee that if you give the Lord the time to work in that space, He will not disappoint you.”

The theme for the women’s conference is “Rejoice Always!” — 1Thessalonians 5:16. It will also feature Jackie Francois Angel as a keynote speaker. Angel is a worship leader, vlogger, author, singer-songwriter and homeschooling mother of four. The conference will include a Mass celebrated by Bishop Larry J. Kulick, continental breakfast and a tea party luncheon, praise and worship, opportunities for adoration, confession, rosary and prayer, and vendors.

Visit DioceseofGreensburg.org/Spirited
to register. Cost is $50, with financial aid of $25 available through the Francis Fund.


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