By Cliff Gorski
Executive Editor
NEW KENSINGTON – Close to 300 of the faithful from around the tri-state area gathered at St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish for the celebration of the feast day of the patron saint of the parish Aug. 27.
This once-in-a-lifetime celebration included Mass, celebrated by Father Miroslaw Stefmaszczyk, Senior Parochial Vicar at St. Matthew Parish in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Father Stefmaszczyk was joined at the Mass by Polish priests from around the region and the tri-state area as well as the Diocese of Greensburg.
Organized by the parish Holy Name Society, the Mass, celebrated in both Polish and English, began with the procession of the Polish icon of Our lady of Czestochowa. Over the centuries the Holy Virgin demonstrated her miraculous protection of the Polish people through her icon. It is sometimes referred to as the “Black Madonna” because of the black color of the original, caused by age and the accumulated soot of the ages.
In his homily, Father Stefmaszczyk highlighted the history of the icon and the protection provided by Mary, the mother of Jesus, through her intercessions
“Think about yourself if you are a mother. Think how many beautiful things you bring, present and give to your children. They may not all be successful, but you lead your children to God and to the Gospel,” he said, highlighting that “the Blessed Mother is telling all of us to do what her son is telling us to do.”
Dignitaries from all over the commonwealth and other states, along with the Polish Falcons, the Knights of Columbus and parish groups participated in the Mass and procession.
Following the Mass, those attending were invited to an ice cream social, a tradition in the parish.
Veneration of the icon continues through Aug. 29 from 6-8 p.m. and Aug. 30 after 9:30 am Mass.
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