LATROBE, PA – The Saint Vincent College community will celebrate Life in Christ week Jan. 19-26 with prayer services, discussions, Masses, volunteer work and other special events. All events on campus are free and open to the public and the College community.
“Life in Christ Week celebrates the sanctity of every human life, reaching from the legacy and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to the dignity of mothers, families and their children—and to all Christians praying together for unity,” said Father Paul Taylor, O.S.B, C’87, S’91, president of Saint Vincent College. “Each event provides an opportunity for our community to learn, find fellowship and pray for the sanctity of life.”
Jan. 19: Prayer for Christian Unity
2:30 p.m., Saint Vincent Basilica crypt
Local church leaders of all denominations will gather for a prayer service to mark the International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Joining together with one voice, let us pray for all to be compassionate and forgiving of each other and work towards the common good in love of Christ and neighbor. A reception will follow in the parish assembly room.
Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Westmoreland Food Bank, Delmont
Students will help assemble care packages for the Pennsylvania Senior Food Box Program. The program each month provides nutritious food to more than 1,600 low-income senior citizens in Westmoreland County.
Jan. 20: “Two Paths, One Purpose: The Journey to Love, Justice and Community”
6 p.m., Dr. Frank J. Luparello Lecture Hall in the Sis and Herman Dupré Science Pavilion
A public conversation with Leon Ford and Pennsylvania state trooper Cpl. Aaron Allen. After being shot by Pittsburgh police in 2012, Ford has led a life of advocacy, activism and hope. Allen is part of the Pennsylvania State Police’s Heritage Affairs Unit. A pre-event reception will be held at 5 p.m. in the Dupré Pavilion atrium.
Jan. 21: Day of service
7:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., the Grove
Volunteers will help the Westmoreland Food Bank mobile unit by packing care packages for Latrobe residents.
Jan. 21: Day of service
1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Adams Memorial Library, Latrobe
Volunteers will clean up and organize the library.
Jan. 22: Day of service
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Robert S. Carey Center
Volunteers will assemble care packages for chemotherapy patients at the Hillman Cancer Center in Greensburg. No registration necessary—everyone is encouraged to stop by the Carey Center to help.
Donations requested all week (labeled drop-off boxes will be in the Carey Center):
- For cancer patients: Items such as fuzzy socks, lip balm, travel size hand cream, small notebooks, gum and mints.
- For police care packages: Items such as mints, gum, fun-size candy, travel-sized ibuprofen and lip balm.
Jan. 22: Gold Mass
5 p.m., Saint Vincent Basilica
Father Paul will preside at evening prayer and celebrate Mass.
Jan. 22: Benedictine lecture
7 p.m., Saint Vincent Basilica
Deacon Kevin Knight, chancellor for the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia, will speak about Benedictine monastic life, Life in Christ Week and the 2025 Jubilee Year of Pilgrims of Hope. Deacon Kevin oversees the Diocese of Savannah’s Office of Pastoral and Community Services, which is responsible for permanent deacon formation, social services and continuing education for clergy.
Jan. 24: National March for Life
National Mall, Washington, D.C.
Members of Saint Vincent Community will depart from campus to attend the 52nd annual National March for Life. For those unable to attend the March for Life, Mass will be held at 12:05 p.m. in the Mary, Mother of Wisdom student chapel on the Saint Vincent College campus.
Jan. 26: Rooted in Discipleship interfaith service
6 p.m., Luparello Lecture Hall
Join student leaders for praise and worship and hear a message on the importance of church family from Pastor Kirt Conroy, volunteer campus minister at Saint Vincent College and lead pastor at Latrobe Alliance Church.
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