GREENSBURG – The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill have made plans for this year’s Catholic Sisters Week. Following last year’s theme, Care for the Earth, events are planned to ignite community involvement and awareness of Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si’.
From March 8 through 14, four Care for the Earth initiatives are planned, including a food drive to benefit the Seton Hill University Food Pantry; an organized litter clean-up with Seton Hill University on Mt. Thor Road, adjacent to the university and Caritas Christi, the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity; Join the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill and challenge yourself to refuse to use single use plastic items from March 8 – 14, Catholic Sisters Week. and a community collection of plastic bags for an ongoing recycling project. With support from congregations across the globe, the sisters and
employees are accepting the challenge to reduce use single use plastic for one week. This challenge is to build awareness and seek alternatives to eliminate single use plastic in landfills.
Catholic Sisters Week shines a light on the spirituality, mission, and community building of women religious. Catholic Sisters Week (CSW) is celebrated every March 8 to 14 during women’s history month. It commenced in March 2014 to honor and celebrate the lives and legacies of Catholic sisters. Recognition is given for their tireless effort and sacrifices. The celebration also acts as a means to educate young girls about women religious and encourage them to follow in their footsteps.
There is a role for everyone in Catholic Sisters Week: individuals, groups and organizations, families, parishes, schools and universities. The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill have pledged commitment to a seven-year action platform for their commitment to Laudato Si’ and are passionate about their responsibilities to Care for the Earth and all of creation through action, education and prayer.
Learn more about the plans for Catholic Sisters Week online at scsh.org.
The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill is an international apostolic congregation of women religious who are present in four countries, five United States dioceses and one United States archdiocese. Sisters of Charity have traditionally ministered in the areas of education, health care, pastoral care and social services. For additional information about the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill and their ministries, please visit, www.scsh.org and www.sistersofcharityofsetonhillgeneralate.org.
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