U.S. Bishops’ International Justice and Peace Chairman Calls for Prayer in the Wake of Earthquake in Turkey and Syria; Calls for Assistance

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WASHINGTON – The February 6 earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria has caused the deaths of thousands and injured many more. Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, mourned the loss of so many lives, called for the faithful to pray for those impacted, and give generously to those in need.
“The strong earthquake that rocked southeastern Turkey and northern Syria on February 6 has caused the deaths of over 11,000 people and injured thousands more. As the death toll continues to rise, rescue workers are still trying to free people from rubble and those alive are facing freezing conditions as they try to salvage their belongings and seek shelter.
“I join with our Holy Father Pope Francis in praying for the souls of the departed as we mourn the loss of so many lives. We pray for those injured and the many others suffering, and we also pray for the safety and protection of emergency personnel working to save lives and tending to those in need in the wake of this disaster.
“In a region that has experienced much conflict and hardship, these heartbreaking scenes call out to us to provide aid and assistance to our brothers and sisters in need. I call upon the faithful to give generously to Catholic Relief Services and the Catholic Near East Welfare Association who are working to provide emergency humanitarian relief. I also call upon the U.S. government to provide much needed assistance and to work in conjunction with Catholic aid organizations to deliver effective assistance to those most in need.”
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