The Vocation Ministry Team in the parishes created new, special ornaments for the each of the trees. On the front of these ornaments is a picture of one of the ten Diocesan seminarians. On the back, a brief biography of the seminarian pictured. Parishioners from the four parishes were asked to take an ornament from a tree to their homes as a reminder to pray for seminarian featured. Once the ornaments were in the homes, parishioners also were asked to write a note or card of expressing support, encouragement and gratitude for each of the seminarians. “We thought our seminarians needed encouragement after being home with their families over the holiday season and returning to their studies,” said Nancy Blake, Pastoral Assistant at the four parishes that include St. Joseph Parish, St. John the Evangelist Parish, St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish and St. Mary (Nativity) Parish.
The response was overwhelming when 250 cards were returned to the parishes. The Vocation Ministry Team bundled up those cards along with “goodie boxes” and sent them to each seminarian. The boxes arrived just in time for Valentine’s Day. Seminarian Andrew Hamilton was pleasantly surprised by his special delivery from the Uniontown parishes on Valentine’s Day. “In the box I found a plethora of treats and snacks, but more importantly letters of support from faithful Catholics who are earnestly praying for me and many others to take up the vocation of priesthood,” Hamilton said. “I am told often that many people are praying for me, and I know that they are, however, reading letters from parishioners and taking to heart their words of affirmation gives me greater zeal to persevere in seminary and one day, God-willing, intercede for them at the Altar of God as a priest.”
Its just one of the many outreach programs the Vocation Ministry Team performs in the Roman Catholic Churches of Uniontown. Each week, the parishes rotate an Adoration and Holy Hour for Vocations. The team also lets their priests and sisters, and brothers of various religious orders know how much they are valued and appreciated. The team also includes couples and single parishioners as part of their vocation outreach. “Whether it is a vocation of religious life, being a married, or remaining single, we are all open to God’s call and living out God’s plans for all of us,” Blake said.
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