17th EGG EggSTRAVAGANZA at St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church Social Hall

Sunday, March 17, from  Noon until 4 p.m. experience the traditions! Egg artists will demonstrate, display and sell eggs. There will be a  Marketplace with pysanky supplies, Easter items, Easter crafts, basket covers and other ethnic items. Children’s activities including storytelling, making Easter eggs, other projects. Display of Easter basket covers along with a Lenten Lunch Menu, workshops and bake sale. Admission is free. For info call:  724-438-1382 (Leave message) or visit www.stjohnbaptist-byzcath-uniontown.org, or www.facebook.com/StJohnByzUniontown

Event Address: 201 East Main Street, Uniontown, PA, USA

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Cliff Gorski
Cliff Gorski
Articles: 562