GREENSBURG – After consultation with the Diocesan Priest Council, Bishop Larry J. Kulick is restoring the option for the faithful to receive holy Communion under both species on the first weekend of Lent, Feb. 17-18.
Monsignor Raymond E. Riffle, Diocesan Vicar General and Rector at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Greensburg, made the announcement to priests in the Diocese to allow them to take any actions needed to restore this practice in their parishes.
“Although the option for reception of the Precious Blood is being restored, it is not required that every parish implement this action,” Monsignor Riffle said. “This practice is to be instituted at the discretion of the pastor or administrator on a parish-by-parish basis. It is also not required that every Mass at a parish offer this option. That decision should be based on the ability to provide appropriate communion ministers for the distribution of the Precious Body and the Precious Blood.”
With the restoration of the reception of the Precious Blood, a practice suspended during the COVID-19 outbreak, Monsignor Riffle said it might be an opportune time to for pastors to remind the faithful that when they receive holy Communion under either species, they receive the fullness of both the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
With the restoration of the reception of the Precious Blood, Monsignor Riffle said a number of other liturgical practices, implemented in response to the coronavirus pandemic, continue to be strongly recommended, especially sanitization procedures.
“It is recommended that sanitizing stations remain in place for the distribution of holy Communion. The celebrant and all other communion ministers are urged to sanitize their hands before the distribution of holy Communion, following physical contact with any communicant and following the distribution to those communicants who receive on the tongue,” he said. “It is also recommended that the vessels containing the bread and wine be covered in those cases where they are presented in the procession of gifts.”
Parishes wishing to add new extraordinary ministers of holy Communion must be provided appropriate catechesis and have all of their clearances and trainings in place before they can receive a Mandatum from Bishop Kulick to serve.
— The Catholic Accent
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