GREENSBURG – Jan. 19 – As part of the Diocese of Greensburg Eucharistic Revival effort, registration is now open for KNOW HIM: The Last Supper and the Gift of the Eucharist. This experiential event will be held Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 2 and 6 p.m. at Christ Our Shepherd Center, Greensburg.
The event begins with a prayer service led by Bishop Larry J. Kulick followed by a keynote address regarding the gift of the Eucharist from Monsignor Raymond E. Riffle, Vicar General of the Diocese of Greensburg and Rector of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Greensburg.
Afterward, attendees will make their way through the rooms at Christ Our Shepherd Center for an unforgettable Eucharistic journey. One room will feature a life-sized print of The Last Supper mural created by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci, along with an explanation of its scriptural nuances from art historian Liz Lev, a former didactic consultant for the Vatican Museums. Lev recorded a special talk on the subject for the Diocese of Greensburg from Rome.
Another room will feature Monsignor Michael J. Begolly, Pastor of Mother of Sorrows Parish, Murrysville, discussing his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land and preparing to receive the Eucharist. Father Christopher J. Pujol, Parochial Vicar of Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish, will lead a discussion and demonstration in another room about the significance of washing feet. Bishop Kulick himself will discuss the bread of life and the symbolism of Easter bread while guests sample paska bread.
This event is free of charge as part of the Diocese of Greensburg’s Eucharistic Revival efforts. Seating is limited. The public is welcome. For more information or to register, visit DioceseofGreensburg.org/EucharisticRevival.
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